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Англо-русский словарь - serve


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Перевод с английского языка serve на русский

 1. v.
 1) служить; быть полезным; to serve ones country - служить своей родине; to serve two masters - быть слугой двух господ; to serve as smb., smth. - служить в качестве кого-л., чего-л.
 2) годиться, удовлетворять - it will serve - as occasion serves - serve no purpose
 3) благоприятствовать (о ветре и т.п.)
 4) служить в армии; he served in North Africa - он проходил военную службу в Северной Африке; to serve in the ranks - служить рядовым; to serve under smb. - служить под начальством кого-л.; My uncle served in/with the 8th Army.
 5) подавать (на стол); dinner is served! - обед подан! When I was working in the hotel, I had to serve dinner to twenty-five people at a time. Its time to serve up the main course.
 6) обслуживать; снабжать; to serve a customer - заниматься с покупателем, клиентом; this busline serves a large district - эта автобусная линия обслуживает большой район; to serve a town with water - снабжать город водой
 7) обслуживать, управлять - serve a gun
 8) отбывать срок (службы, наказания и т.п.); to serve ones apprenticeship/time - проходить курс ученичества
 9) быть полезным, помогать
 10) обходиться с, поступать; he served me shamefully - он обошелся со мной отвратительно
 11) eccl. служить службу
 12) leg. вручать (повестку кому-л.; on) - serve notice
 13) подавать мяч (в теннисе и т.п.); That was a tricky ball he served to me, there was no hope of returning it.
 14) naut. клетневать - serve as - serve for - serve on - serve out - serve round - serve with it serves him (her) right! - поделом ему (ей)! - serve a trick
 2. noun sport подача (мяча)
SERVE a gun стрелять из орудия
SERVE a trick сыграть с кем-л. шутку
SERVE abroad служить в войсках, находящихся за границей
 а) служить, работать (в качестве кого-л., в должности, в звании) The general had served as a private soldier in the earlier war. When you have served your time as cook, you can be given other duties.
 б) служить (в качестве чего-л.) His words serve as a reminder of our responsibility.
 а) годиться для чего-л.; This house will serve for my simple needs, but will it serve for the whole family?
 б) служить в качестве чего-л.; the bundle served him for a pillow сверток служил ему подушкой
SERVE no purpose никуда не годиться
SERVE notice формально, официально извещать
SERVE on быть членом, входить в состав (комитета и т.п.) Ive been asked to serve on yet another committee.
 а) раздавать, распределять; You can help to serve out the vegetables, while I cut the meat.
 б) coll. отплатить We will serve them out for the trick that they played on us.
 в) отбыть (срок наказания, срок службы и т.п.) When the thieves had served out two years in prison, they returned to a life of crime.
SERVE round обносить кругом (блюда) Would you be so kind as to help serve the drinks round (our guests)?
SERVE term отбыть срок наказания
SERVE with подавать; снабжать
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См. в других словарях

  1. подача (мяча) (теннис, бадминтон) good serve —- хорошая подача whose serve is it? —- чья подача? 2. служить, быть слугой to serve a master —- служить хозяину to serve two masters —- быть слугой двух господ to serve one's country —- служить своей родине his eyes didn't seem to serve him —- глаза, казалось, отказывались ему служить if my memory serves me right —- если мне память не изменяет 3. работать, состоять на службе, быть служащим (также serve out) to serve in an office —- служить в конторе to serve on a committee —- быть членом комитета to serve on a jury —- юр. исполнять обязанности присяжного заседателя to serve as a secretary —- работать серктарем to be willing to serve at a small salary —- соглашаться работать за небольшое жалование (вознаграждение) 4. служить в армии, быть военным to serve in the army —- служить в армии to serve in the ranks —- служить рядовым to serve abroad —- служить в войсках, находящихся за границей to serve in the war —- быть участником войны to have served in twenty campaigns —- быть ветераном двадцати походов to serve under smb. (under smb.'s command) —- служить под чьим-л. началом (командованием) he served under Admiral N —- он служил при адмирале Н. he's not the sort of man I'd like to serve under —- он не такой человек, которого я бы хотел иметь своим начальником (командиром) 5. обслуживать to serve badly —- плохо обслуживать this...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) быть полезным 2) выслуживать 3) выслужить 4) клетневать 5) обслуживать 6) служить 7) управлять serve as index of — служить показателем serve time in a camp — сидеть в лагере ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) использовать(ся); служить 2) обслуживать to serve out — вырабатывать (напр. ресурс на агрегат) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. do a service for (a person, community, etc.). 2 tr. (also absol.) be a servant to. 3 intr. carry out duties (served on six committees). 4 intr. a (foll. by in) be employed in (an organization, esp. the armed forces, or a place, esp. a foreign country) (served in the air force). b be a member of the armed forces. 5 a tr. be useful to or serviceable for; meet the needs of; do what is required for (serve a purpose; one packet serves him for a week). b intr. meet requirements; perform a function (a sofa serving as a bed). c intr. (foll. by to + infin.) avail, suffice (his attempt served only to postpone the inevitable; it serves to show the folly of such action). 6 tr. go through a due period of (office, apprenticeship, a prison sentence, etc.). 7 tr. set out or present (food) for those about to eat it (asparagus served with butter; dinner was then served). 8 intr. (in full serve at table) act as a waiter. 9 tr. a attend to (a customer in a shop). b (foll. by with) supply with (goods) (was serving a customer with apples; served the town with gas). 10 tr. treat or act towards (a person) in a specified way (has served me shamefully; you may serve me as you will). 11 tr. a (often foll. by on) deliver (a writ etc.) to the person concerned in a legally formal manner (served a warrant on him). b (foll. by with) deliver a writ etc. to (a person) in this way (served her with a summons). 12 tr. Tennis etc. a (also absol.) deliver (a ball etc.) to begin or resume play. b produce (a fault etc.) by doing this. 13 tr. Mil. keep (a gun, battery, etc.) firing. 14 tr. (of an animal, esp. a stallion etc. hired for the purpose) copulate with (a female). 15 tr. distribute (served the ammunition out; served the rations round). 16 tr. render obedience to (a deity etc.). 17 Eccl. a intr. act as a server. b tr. act as a server at (a service). 18 intr. (of a tide) be suitable for a ship to leave harbour etc. 19 tr. Naut. bind (a rope etc.) with thin cord to strengthen it. 20 tr. play (a trick etc.) on. --n. 1 Tennis etc. a the act or an...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; serving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French servir, from Latin servire to be a slave, ~, from servus slave, servant  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to be a servant  b. to do military or naval service  2. to assist a celebrant as ~r at mass  3.  a. to be of use in a day when few people could write, seals ~d as signatures — Elizabeth W. King  b. to be favorable, opportune, or convenient  c. to be worthy of reliance or trust if memory ~s  d. to hold an office ; discharge a duty or function ~ on a jury  4. to prove adequate or satisfactory ; suffice it will ~ for this task  5. to help persons to food: as  a. to wait at table  b. to set out portions of food or drink  6. to wait on customers  7. to put the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games (as tennis, volleyball, or badminton)  transitive verb  1.  a. to be a servant to ; attend  b. to give the service and respect due to (a superior)  c. to comply with the commands or demands of ; gratify  d. to give military or naval service to  e. to perform the duties of (an office or post)  2. to act as ~r at (mass)  3. archaic to pay a lover's or suitor's court to (a lady) that gentle lady, whom I love and ~ — Edmund Spenser  4.  a. to work through (a term of service)  b. to put in (a term of imprisonment)  5.  a. to wait on at table  b. to bring (food) to a diner  c. present, provide — usually used with up the novel ~d up many laughs  6.  a. to furnish or supply with something needed or desired  b. to wait on (a customer) in a store  c. to furnish professional service to  7.  a. to answer the needs of  b. to be enough for ; suffice  c. to contribute or conduce to ; promote  8. to treat or act toward in a specified way he ~d me ill  9.  a. to bring to notice, deliver, or execute as required by law  b. to make legal service upon (a person named in a process)  10. of a male animal to copulate with  11. to wind yarn or wire tightly around (a rope or stay)...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (serves, serving, served) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you serve your country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them. It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years... I have always said that I would serve the Party in any way it felt appropriate. VERB: V n, V n 2. If you serve in a particular place or as a particular official, you perform official duties, especially in the armed forces, as a civil servant, or as a politician. During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command... For seven years until 1991 he served as a district councillor in Solihull. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 3. If something serves as a particular thing or serves a particular purpose, it performs a particular function, which is often not its intended function. She ushered me into the front room, which served as her office... I really do not think that an inquiry would serve any useful purpose... Their brief visit has served to underline the deep differences between the two countries... The old drawing room serves her as both sitting room and study. VERB: V as/for n, V n, V to-inf, V n as/for n 4. If something serves people or an area, it provides them with something that they need. This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community... Cuba is well served by motorways. VERB: V n, V n 5. Something that serves someone’s interests benefits them. The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people... VERB: V n 6. When you serve food and drink, you give people food and drink. Serve it with French bread... Serve the cakes warm... Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup. ...the pleasure of having someone serve you champagne and caviar in bed... They are expected to baby-sit, run errands, and help serve at cocktail parties. VERB: V n prep, V n adj, V n, V n n, V, also V n to n • Serve up means the same as serve. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »FOOD/DRINK« to give someone food or drink as part of a meal  (What kind of wine should we serve? | serve sth with sth)  (Serve the dish with rice and a green salad. | serve sb)  (Why aren't you out there serving the guests? | serve sth hot/cold etc)  (delicious served hot or cold | serve breakfast/lunch/dinner)  (Breakfast is served between 7 and 9 a.m. | serving spoon/dish (=one used to serve food)) 2 serve two/three/four etc if food serves two, three etc people, there is enough for that number of people  (One large fish should serve two to three people.) 3 »BE USEFUL/HELPFUL« to be useful or helpful for a particular purpose or reason  (serve as sth)  (The old couch had to serve as a guest bed. | serve sb well)  (Her talent for selling will serve her well in the future. | serve sb's needs)  (We don't get enough aid to serve our needs. | serve a purpose)  (If you haven't got a crate, a large cardboard box will serve the purpose. | Sure, you could phone her, but what purpose would that serve?) 4 »DO A HELPFUL JOB« to spend a period of time doing a job, especially one that helps the organization  (The school board members serve a two-year term.) + in  (He returned to Greece to serve in the army.) + on  (Annette serves on various local committees.) + as  (Martin served as ambassador to Burma in the '60s. | serve sb/sth)  (And let's not forget the women who served their country in the war.) 5 »HAVE AN EFFECT« to have a particular effect or result  (serve to do sth)  (Let that serve to demonstrate what happens if you don't pay attention. | serve (sb) as sth)  (The pictures only served as a reminder of happier times.) 6 »SHOP/RESTAURANT« to help the customers in a shop, restaurant etc, especially by bringing them the things that they want  (The waitress doesn't seem to want to serve us. | Are you being served?) 7 »PROVIDE STH« to provide a group of people with something that is necessary or useful  (water mains to serve the new homes in the area) 8 »PRISON« to spend a particular period of...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Secure Electronic Registration And Voting Experiment non-prof. org. abbr. Sending Experienced Retired Volunteers Everywhere educ. abbr. South Eastern Regional Vision For Education educ. abbr. Social Emotional Recreation Vocation And Education educ. abbr. Supportive Efforts for Regular Vocational Education educ. abbr. Southeastern Regional Vision for Education religion abbr. Sharing Every Resource, Valuing Everyone ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1175, from O.Fr. servir "to serve," from L. servire "to serve," originally "be a slave," related to servus "slave," perhaps from an Etruscan word (cf. Etruscan proper names Servi, Serve). Sporting sense, in tennis, badminton, etc., first recorded 1585. To serve the time "shape one's views to what is in favor" is from 1560, translating L. tempori servire. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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